tesseral pro 5.0.1

发表在 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , , | tesseral pro 5.0.1已关闭评论

jason 9.6.1

发表在 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , , , | jason 9.6.1已关闭评论

DecisionSpace Well Planning

发表在 钻井测井软件 | 标签为 , , , , | DecisionSpace Well Planning已关闭评论

crystal 2017.1.16

发表在 地震资料解释软件, 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , , | crystal 2017.1.16已关闭评论

norsar 2017.1

NORSAR-3D is the most advanced product on the market for seismic illumination studies and model-based survey evaluation and analysis.

NORSAR-3D Seismic Modelling Basic
NORSAR-3D Basic is the product of choice for quick subsurface coverage and illumination
analysis. The NORSAR-3D Basic provides comprehensive information about the coverage of subsurface targets, ranging from overview maps of the entire target area to detailed analysis of angular and azimuthal coverage of selected points of interest. The studies can be surveyindependent, providing the upper possible illumination limit, only restricted by the subsurface properties; or the illumination capabilities can be studies for a specific survey. In NORSAR-3D Basic the subsurface models have a quite simple structure, and the models are
very easy to define. Still NORSAR-3D Basic covers a wide range of subsurface models commonly found in illumination studies. The two main types of results made in NORSAR-3D Basic are the Illumination maps (IMAP) and the Illumination rays (IRAY). The Illumination maps give the overview, while the Illumination rays provide more details.

NORSAR-3D Seismic Modelling Pro
NORSAR-3D Pro grants a user-friendly application driven modelling package for seismic
illumination studies including amplitudes and model-based survey evaluation and analysis. It contains a comprehensive model builder allowing complex subsurface structures including heterogeneous and anisotropic elastic parameters. NORSAR-3D Pro contains all features from NORSAR-3D Basic.

NORSAR-3D Seismic Modelling Expert
NORSAR-3D Expert is a complete package for in-depth seismic illumination studies and modelbased survey evaluation and analysis. It is the best in class ray tracing tool available in the market with unlimited batch processes, a Kirchhoff Target Migration workflow, extended export functionality and access to the software application toolkit. NORSAR-3D Expert contains all features from NORSAR-3D Pro and NORSAR-3D Basic.

SeisRoX is a flexible, efficient and easy-to-use seismic modelling software which rapidly calculates the seismic response of geological reservoir models while at the same time simulating the effects of complex 3D overburden and source-receiver illumination/resolution effects.

SeisRoX Basic
SeisRoX Basic consists of the Local-target PSDM Simulator, Analytic PSDM Filter and Utility workflows.

SeisRoX Pro
In addition to all workflows included in SeisRoX Basic, the SeisRoX Pro version also consists of the Full-field PSDM Simulator and Rock Calibration workflows.

The NORSAR MDesign software allows the user to define various sensor network configurations and compute and interpret the detectability and location uncertainty for a user-defined velocity model.

MDesign Basic
The MDesign Basic version consists of the Detectability and Location uncertainty workflows.

MDesign Pro
The MDesign Pro version offers in addition to the Detectability and Location uncertainty workflows also the Focusing workflow.

发表在 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , , , | norsar 2017.1已关闭评论

ARIES 5000

ARIES helps oil and gas companies establish asset value by determining economic limits and net present value.
ARIES is the industry’s most widely used reserves and economics solution.  It handles all production scenarios, simplifies reserves audits and makes reporting faster.
发表在 其它 | 标签为 , , | ARIES 5000已关闭评论

GeoTeric 2016.2.1

发表在 地震资料解释软件, 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , , | GeoTeric 2016.2.1已关闭评论

geocyber 多子波分解软件







发表在 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , | geocyber 多子波分解软件已关闭评论

TrapTester 7 2016 断层封堵性评价软件


发表在 地震资料解释软件 | 标签为 , , , , | TrapTester 7 2016 断层封堵性评价软件已关闭评论

Landmark EDT 5000.14.1

full version and tested


Rig Editor







Data Analyzer


Well Costwellcost5000.14.1


发表在 钻井测井软件 | 标签为 , , , , | Landmark EDT 5000.14.1已关闭评论

Paradigm Geolog 8.0

发表在 钻井测井软件 | 标签为 , , , , | Paradigm Geolog 8.0已关闭评论

Paradigm 2017

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Paradigm® 17 software release. Paradigm 17 extends the highdefinition
software platform offered in previous releases, and adds new features, advanced integration, and
extended interconnectivity.
The following products are included in Paradigm 17:
• EarthStudy 360® – Full-Azimuth Imaging and Characterization
• Echos® – Seismic Processing
• Explorer™ – Time-to-Depth Conversion
• GeoDepth® – Velocity Modeling and Imaging
• Geolog® – Formation Evaluation
• GeoSec® 2D – 2D Geological Structural Restoration
• QSI (Probe®/Vanguard®) – AVO Analysis, Seismic Inversion, and Property Determination
• SeisEarth® – Multi-Survey Interpretation
• SKUA-GOCAD™ – High-Definition Earth Modeling
• StratEarth® – Geologic interpretation
• Stratimagic® – Seismic Facies Classification
• Sysdrill® Designer – Embedded Well Planning
• VoxelGeo® – Voxel-Volume Interpretation
• WAM – Web Asset Manager

The release is designed to improve the effectiveness of asset teams and enable superior decision-making using all available data in integrated workflows. To achieve this goal, Paradigm 17 introduces application and infrastructure enhancements to its SeisEarth interpretation system, consolidating its core interpretation windows (3D Canvas,BaseMap, and Section) into a single application. This integration is incorporated in part, or in full, into manyParadigm products and bundles that share the same windows. The result is improved cross-product integration, shorter work time and fewer button clicks. Waveform classification based on the well-established Stratimagic Neural Network approach is also now part of SeisEarth, as is a new Machine Learning-based, rock-type classification plug-in for interpreters. The new rock-type classification uses seismic data and facies logs to predictfacies volumes and their probability of occurrence, to improve reservoir characterization in conventional andunconventional plays.

In other enhancements to our Interpretation solution suite, VoxelGeo now offers significantly improved performance with multi-volume GPU rendering, and a new volume fusion tool. In SeisEarth, a built-in technique for loading image files enables the use of scanned and published cross-sections and seismic.

The Paradigm Quantitative Seismic Interpretation (QSI) solution is now available to Windows® users, enabling them to enjoy the same advanced technology as Linux® users. Significant enhancements have been made to the crossplot utility as well as to wedge/2D forward modeling, to enable more effective workflows and a better understanding of the seismic response. This release also offers new workflows to extract more information from
inversion results.
GeoDepth users will enjoy productivity improvements when conducting multi-line 2D projects, including a new,generic GUI to define and run any supported application on all 2D lines in a project/survey, and a new clusterbased parallelization engine that easily runs hundreds of 2D jobs simultaneously. This release offers full new 2D grid tomography and imaging workflows, and a 2D Kirchhoff time migration based on 3D running on multi-2D lines. Enhancements to the GeoDepth 3D structural model-based tomography have been made to support geologicallyconstrained velocity models and strengthen integration between GeoDepth and SKUA.
For our EarthStudy 360 full-azimuth decomposition and imaging solution, enhancements to the imaging operator and filters to separate specular and diffraction energy have been introduced to generate improved and higher quality diffraction images from the fully recorded wavefield.
Other new features for Processing and Imaging users include a new method in Echos for production-oriented estimation and application of effective Q from seismic data, to support imaging in highly dispersive regimes and workflows with broadband acquisition and processing. New capabilities in refraction statics, data regularization,and trace interpolation have also been introduced to strengthen these widely used capabilities.
The SKUA-GOCAD Subsurface Modeling solution includes a number of important new features and performance improvements. Robust structural models can now be constructed for even more complex geological conditions. Significant effort has gone into the further development of reservoir geomechanics. This includes new tools for building geomechanical mesh and directly exporting structured and unstructured grids to Dassault Systèmes Abaqus, along with the relevant mechanical rock properties and pore pressures. It is now easier than ever to customize workflows with macros, for enhanced automation and greater user empowerment. We have also improved connectivity and data exchange with the Epos data repository and with Petrel. In addition to the filebased RESQML data exchange, SKUA-GOCAD can now connect to Petrel through a direct live link.
In Formation Evaluation, Geolog 8 in Paradigm 17 offers innovative new petrophysics features, including Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis for our probabilistic petrophysical solution Multimin, and a new 3D petrophysics feature that enhances the analysis of high angle and horizontal wells. The release also includes a new processing method for slowness frequency analysis of full waveform sonic logs. Geolog 8 offers improved geomechanics, production logging, and casing inspection functionality, along with new technologies for cement evaluation, pulsed neutron, and DTS/DAS handling. Direct access to Matlab™ code using Geolog Loglan enables existing research work and custom calculations to be easily delivered to end users. And connectivity options have been expanded to include completion import from Peloton WellView®, and an update of Geolog-Petrel connectivity to Petrel 2016.
In addition to expanded communication between SKUA and Epos and the Petrel Connector, we have improved seismic data and ASCII import/export, and developed a new interface for batch loading data from OpenWorks® and GeoFrame®. Paradigm 17 supports the latest Linux and Windows 64-bit operating systems: Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 6.5 and subsequent minor releases, and 7.0 and subsequent minor releases, and Windows 7, 8.1,and 10.
Paradigm product development is carried out in collaboration with our customers, with the main goal of enhancing the user experience and outcomes. In Paradigm 17, as in other recent releases, Paradigm has significantly expanded its investment in quality assurance, including extensive internal and beta testing. This, together with the technical depth of our solutions, is aimed at providing you with the best technologies for safe, reliable, and profitable extraction of the earth’s minerals. Your success is our highest priority. We encourage you to explore the many new features of Paradigm 17, and we look forward to your continued suggestions for improving our product lines.


发表在 地质建模软件, 地震资料处理软件, 地震资料解释软件 | 标签为 , , , , , | Paradigm 2017已关闭评论

Emeraude – Production Logging

Production logs, or PLs, are run on production or injection wells, with the goal of evaluating the well itself and/or the reservoir performance. Put simply, for producing wells, we need to determine what fluid is coming from which zone, and how much. The PL string may be a relatively simple, conventional configuration run in vertical or deviated wells that, based on the assumption the tool is centralised in the flow, measures the bulk flowrate using a calibrated spinner and then discriminates the fluid type(s) using a suite of tools usually including density, pressure and temperature applied to flow correlations in Emeraude.

With the proliferation of horizontal wells in recent years the PL strings have, by necessity, become increasingly complex. The challenge is to handle segregated flow by various distributed measurements around and across the section of the pipe. Emeraude has kept pace with these developments and offers a choice of calculation schemes and visualisation options to cope with these multiple array tools from any vendor.

发表在 采油试井压裂 | 标签为 , , | Emeraude – Production Logging已关闭评论

LESA 2017

测井评价系统分析软件LESA(Log Evaluation System Analysis)是一款基于Windows平台的测井曲线分析和解释软件。该软件完全兼容32位的Windows XP/Vista/7(及相关服务器版本,包括64位版本)。它支持以下文件格式:LAS、LBS、LIS(多个种类的LIS文件,通过文件格式转换支持)、ASCII(多个种类的ASCII文件,通过文件格式转换支持)。绝大多数的裸眼井测井曲线可以被集成到测井解释中.

发表在 绘图成图, 钻井测井软件 | 标签为 , , | LESA 2017已关闭评论

geomap 4.0


1. 数据成图—专业、精确
2. 标准制图—规范、共享
3. 格式转换—兼容、开放
提供GeoMap GXF明码交换格式;
4. 组合成图 —实用、高效
5. 图形编辑—便捷、强大
6. 成果输出 —灵活、多样
发表在 绘图成图 | 标签为 , , , | geomap 4.0已关闭评论


LogIC是由Logicom EP公司开发的一款用于分析核磁共振、成像、声波和普通测井系列的岩石物理软件。该软件由地质学家和岩石物理学家一起开发,以满足勘探和开发需求。LogIC强调速度、灵活性和输出质量,它也是一个测试开发想法的工具,并能够对这些想法进行有效沟通。这些特性使得LogIC成为开发核磁共振、成像和声波测井应用的最佳平台。LogIC的功能包括LIS格式、DLIS(RP66)格式、LAS和BIT格式等数据输入和ASCII文件解码;

发表在 钻井测井软件 | 标签为 , , | LogIC已关闭评论

rokdoc 6.4.2

RokDoc  详尽分析测井揭 示的油气特征和对应的地球物理响应规律,可使地震解释员、地质学家、地球 物理学家和岩石物理学家在详细分析解释前进行快速准确的油气判别和预测。

此软件分析油气测井响应特征,确定相关的弹性参数,继而明确油气产层 的地震特征,提供地震资料及反演成果油气检测的标准和方案。 它包含以下功能:




四性关系及岩石物理响应 AVO分析(单层或合成道集)





发表在 正演反演软件 | 标签为 , , | rokdoc 6.4.2已关闭评论


PIPEFLO 是稳态集输单管线或复杂管网的水力热力学模拟软件,可以对复杂管网建模,并能模拟出系统 任一处的压力,温度,传热、持液率、流体的速度、流态和压降等,也可以模拟管线清管,模拟管线停 输温降与水合物生成边界等操作引起的变化,还可以进行埋地管线、海底管线、地面管线或部分埋地管 线的传热计算,管线的 CO2 或 H2S 腐蚀计算,管线冲蚀速度限制计算,段塞大小和频率计算等。PIPEFLO 软件与 OLGA 软件有专用接口可以将输入直接保存成 OLGA 软件模 型供 OLGA 使用。

PIPEFLO 软件主要功能:
• 管线冷却模拟
• 段塞清管计算
• 冲蚀速度计算
• 严重段塞模拟
• 腐蚀预测(包括 CO2 和 H2S)
• 油/水乳化
• 集输管网模拟
• 水合物预测
• 水合物抑制剂模拟

PIPEFLO 解决方法允许用户计算温度和压力剖面,因而可以评价热传导对液体漏失和其他 PVT 性质的影响。总传热 系数可以是常 数、任意改变或者根据变化的参数计算得到。
4)水合物预测和 OLGAS 模型
NEOTEC 与 SPT 公司合并,在 PIPEFLO 中的水合物预测、OLGAS 2000 两相和三相压降模型方面互相贯通。
PIPEFLO 可以接受多种形式的剖面图数据(包括垂直剖面),导入电子数据表,输入剖面数据,即可绘出分布图, 显示井斜角。计算结果均可显示在剖面图上,如压力,温度,气体和流体的速       度剖面图,持液率和流态。

PIPEFLO 为拟合实际原始数据提供多种选择。
如果管线任一端压力是固定的,可计算出未知压力,但如果限定管线两端的压力,PIPEFLO 用精确的迭代法即可计 算。
PIPEFLO 考虑到加热和冷却的需要,边水的影响,同时又考虑到阀或调节器的影响,精确计算压缩机和泵的功率。

PIPEFLO is a steady state simulator for flow assurance issues.
PIPEFLO’s features for sensitivity studies make it fast and easy for users to consider a wide variety of options in order to arrive at the best solutions for their design issues and operational problems.

发表在 采油试井压裂 | 标签为 , , | PIPEFLO已关闭评论

IHS FAST VisualWell

 New Features/Enhancements

Plunger Lift:
Improved numerical algorithm used during single-cycle calculations. Now the seating nipple can be set further up in the tubing without calculation issues.
Enhanced calculation resolution when a “General” wellbore configuration is used. This is especially useful when running tapered tubing scenarios (i.e. adding a short syphon string below the seating nipple).
Refined tolerance used during single-cycle calculations improving calculation stability and convergence.
Choke calculations (see note in “Known Issues” on how to access them):
Improved interpolation algorithm used for single phase liquid calculations across chokes.
Adjusted tolerance used in the calculation of critical/sub-critical conditions in bottomhole choke wellbore calculations.
Enhanced “Stop Calculations” functionality to fully suspend auto-refresh behavior. This reduces “flickering” by allowing changes to fluid properties and/or wellbore configuration data without auto-recalculating results. For example, now deviation surveys can be copy-pasted for a “General” wellbore configuration without having to wait for casing data consistency checks.
Corrected Issues

Pressure calculation settings are properly stored and used during erosion velocity calculations.
Browsing option to change reports folder is now functional.
Minor interface grid fixes.
Oil properties calculations while making use of adjustment factors.
Known Issues

Choke calculation tools: Features are hidden by default. They can be unlocked by opening a file with an active choke analysis already in it. Please contact technical support to receive a set of template files and guidelines to create a new file.
Incorrect values are pasted when copying data from Excel: If the data from Excel uses a comma as separator of thousands (for example, 1,450.26), when pasted into VirtuWell the comma is taken as a point (for example, 1.45026 is pasted). This can be avoided if the cell format in Excel is set as “General” before copy/pasting the data into VirtuWell.
Plunger Lift plot customization is not saved: Plunger plots can be modified as long as the user does not switch to another calculation module. Customized plots can still be copy-pasted to Excel by using the “Copy Plot” option from the pop-up menu accessible through the right-click of the mouse.

发表在 采油试井压裂 | 标签为 , , | IHS FAST VisualWell已关闭评论

IHS welltest 2016

F.A.S.T WellTest是一套到目前为止,基于实时数据采集系统之上,界面友好,技术先进的压力传导分析软件包。它包含了很多简单的或者全面的油藏模型。这些模型都能够快捷易用的分析获得储层的渗透率、井筒储集系数、表皮系数、排采面积、原始储量和措施效果。另外,根据直线的压力变化可以进行各种模型的产能预测。也可以根据井口的压力数据来获得井底的压力数据,以便进行分析。

New Features/Enhancements:
· Interoperable with IHS HarmonyTM 2016 v2: use Export to WellTest… option in Harmony; then open exported .hmexp file in WellTest.

发表在 采油试井压裂 | 标签为 , , | IHS welltest 2016已关闭评论