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软件分类soft Nouns
- The Kingdom Software 2023 smt 2023
- QUE$TOR 2023 Q1
- Harmony Enterprise 2023.1
- GOHFER9.4.0.32 20230407
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2022.2
- Eliis PaleoScan 2022.2
- Flatirons™ Software Products
- OpendTect 6.6.10
- OpendTect 6.6.8
- ResFormSTAR最新版2023
- 密码保护:Schlumberger Techlog 2020 2021 2022
- WellFlo 6.9
- VECON 4.7 2022
- vista 2022
- stimpro 2022
- pvtsim Nova 6.0
- Kingdom software SMT 2022
- NETool 10.9
- PerGeos 2022
- FracPT 2022
- OpenFlow 2022
- OLI systems 9.6.3
- norsar 2023
- 密码保护:petrel 2022
- QUE$TOR 2022
- gohfer 9.3 64bit 完美版
- Paradigm 2022
- Landmark DSG 10ep5
- Geosoftware jason 12.0 2023
- Interoctive Petrophysics 5.1 2023
- landmark EDT 5000.17.2 2023
- redhat 版本与内核对应
- Schlumberger Omega 2022.1
- Landmark Promax seisspace 5000.11.0.1
- Greenmountain MESA16.3.5
- tNavigator 2022.4
- GeoSoftware HRS 13.0 2023
- IP 5.0 2023
- Cerberus 14.5
- InterWell 2019.1
- tNavigator 2020.1
- norsar 2020
- 3.0
- IHS welltest 2019
- IHS Harmony 2019
- The Kingdom Software 2019 smt
- DynaLift
- permedia 5000
- StrataBugs 2.1
- RMS 11.1,RMS 2023
- Geogrid 1.19
- Tempest Enable 8.5
- sysdrill 11
- OpenInvertor 10.3.0 windows linux all full
- 油气藏工程与动态分析软件 restools
- norsar 2019 seisrox 2019 MDesign 2019
- 3.0 2019
- IP 4.5 2019
- gohfer 9.1.3 2019
- DTCC SmartSolo®
- JewelSuite 2018.1 GeoMechanics 2018.1.441
- WellCad 5.3
- GPTMap GPTModel GPTLog 2017.1
- opendtect 6.4.4
- Kappa Workstation 5.20.05
- IPM 11
- GeoModeling 2019
- PVTsim Nova 4.1
- tNavigator 19.2
- epoffice 2019.06.10
- PaleoScan 2019.1.0
- PerGeos 2019.1
- geolog 19.0
- pvtsim nova 4.0
- tNavigator 19.1
- Tesseral 5.1.0 2019
- geoscope3.4
- FracproPT 2019
- I-GIS GeoScene3D v10.0.13.574
- Paradigm Geolog 18
- Rokdoc 6.6.2 岩石物理软件
- Lead 3.0 LEAD3.0测井处理解释一体化软件
- JewelSuite 2017
- promax 5000.10.0.3
- discovery2019.1
- simics 4.8
- Emeraude v5.20 生产测井解释软件
- 辅助历史拟合软件SenEx2.0.40
- tNavigator 18.4
- jason10.0.1
- GeoEast-EasyTrack触控解释软件
- hrs 10.4.1
- Landmark EDT 5000.15.1
- Landmark EDT 5000.15.0
- perform 2013
- DecisionSpace_Geosciences-10ep.4.03_G1
- PetroAnalyst 2014
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2016.1.364 6.1
- GeoModeller 4.05 2019
- watch 2.8.1 生产测井解释平台
- discovery 2017.3
- CMG 2018.101
- Emeraude5.12.07
- Simpleware v7.0 数字岩心建模与数值分析解决方案
- Greenmountaion mesa 12.1 for win10
- IC 2016
- QUE$TOR 2018.1
- METACOMP 14.1.1 流体力学软件
- DecisionSpace Geosciences 10ep.3.06
- PetraSim 2018
- Rokdoc 6.6
- RMS 11
- opendtect 6.4
- WinGLink
- GeoModeller 4.04 2018
- tesseral pro 5.06
- Kappa workstation 5.20.02
- Stimpro 2018
- QITeam
- Res2dinv Res3dinv 瑞典高密度电法反演软件
- PetraSim 2017.10
- FRACPRO 2017 压裂设计与分析软件
- iMOSS 4.3 岩石物理软件
- Cerberus v11.5 连续油管软件
- FracMan 7.70 7.51
- GeoEast-USP非常规甜点地震预测软件
- Petra 3.12
- geoscope 3.3
- Georeservoir 6.0
- kelang 采集设计软件
- PETRA 2017 3.11
- surfseis
- tNavigator 18.2
- pvtsim nova 3
- 网格天地 深探地学建模软件
- hrs 10.3.2
- omega 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
- I-GeoSeisV2.0
- jason 9.7.3 powerlog 9.7.3
- ResTools
- EKKO_Project-V5-R3-64bit
- Geosec 2018
- Emerson Paradigm 2018.1 2019 2022 2023
- Seisware 9.1
- flatirons 18.02
- Greenmountaion mesa 15
- GMseis 3.4
- tomodel 8.0
- Pegete SMI 3.0
- Sercel e428V5.0
- KAPPA Workstation 5.20
- Seismic Processing Workshop 3.4 SPW 3.4
- Testif-i v2.07a
- epoffice 2017 v7
- TENDDEKA FloQuest 7.5
- TENDEKA ReQuest 7.5
- landmark Nexus VIP
- PaleoScan 2018.1
- Petroleum Experts IPM 10
- jason 9.7.2
- openflow 2017.1
- tNavigator 18.1
- tNavigator 17.4
- PHDwin2.10.3
- meyer 12 2017.12
- HampsonRussell Suite 10.3 geoview 10.3 HRS 10.3
- Midland Valley move 2018.1
- jason 9.7
- CoilCADE
- StimCADE
- crystal 2018.1
- gohfer GOHFER全三维压裂及酸化设计与分析软件
- 密码保护:Schlumberger Techlog 2018.2
- omni 2017.1
- tesseral pro 5.0.3b
- CMG 2017.101
- Schlumberger vista 2017
- GeoModeller 4
- KAPPA Workstation 5.12.04
- metalink
- EarthImager 2D 3D
- Promax 5000.10
- rokdoc 6.5
- tNavigator 17
- Kappa workstation 5.12.03
- Paradigm Sysdrill 10.5 SP1
- PaleoScan 2017.1.0
- tesseral pro 5.02a
- GeoTeric 2017.1
- The Kingdom Software SMT 2017
- refract 3.0
- TADPRO 3.2.1 管柱下入软件
- Geosyn 2016.1
- norsar 201707
- NeuraView NeuraMap NeuraLog NeuraSection 2017
- IHS Kingdom SMT 2016.1
- studioSL 3DSL
- GOHFER 9.0
- tesseral pro 5.0.1
- jason 9.6.1
- DecisionSpace Well Planning
- crystal 2017.1.16
- norsar 2017.1
- ARIES 5000
- GeoTeric 2016.2.1
- geocyber 多子波分解软件
- TrapTester 7 2016 断层封堵性评价软件
- Landmark EDT 5000.14.1
- Paradigm Geolog 8.0
- Paradigm 2017
- Emeraude – Production Logging
- LESA 2017
- geomap 4.0
- LogIC
- rokdoc 6.4.2
- IHS FAST VisualWell
- IHS welltest 2016
- ResForm GeoOffice 3.2完美版 3.5完美版
- ModelVision 重磁数据处理反演软件
- KAPPA Workstation 5.12
- Geographix DISCOVERY GVERSE Attributes 2016.1
- Geographix GeoGraphix discovery 2016.1
- 3DSL 2012 2014
- WellCAD 测井处理软件
- Midland Valley Move 2017.1.1
- prism Interpret 2014
- wellscan 3.5
- Geoteric 2016.2
- WellWhiz 3.4
- GOHFER 8.4.0
- FRACPRO 压裂设计与分析软件
- Ecrin 5.10.04
- DSS Dynamic Surveillance System 油藏动态模拟软件
- sendra 岩心数值模拟软件
- LCT 重磁震联合处理解释软件
- mesa 14.1
- jason9.6
- HRS10.2
- SegdToolbox
- justcgm
- ImageToSEGY
- WellView
- 地震数据数字化软件 bmp2segy 3.0
- Senergy Interactive Petrophysics v4.4 IP4.4
- 密码保护:Schlumberger CemCade 4.4 4.75固井软件
- CMG 2016.10
- VISTA 2016.000
- PVTsim20
- Dynel 2D Dynel 3D
- Gxplorer 2016 石文软件 2016
- cgg geovation 2015 6501 cgg geovation 2016 6601 geovation 2.0 2.1(2020) 2.2 (2022)
- norsar 2016.1
- norsar 2016.1 windows and linux
- drillbench2016.1.1
- crystal 2016.2
- move 2016.2.2
- petra 3.10
- Depth Insight 2015 网格天地 深探地学建模软件
- IHS Harmony 2016.3
- tesseral pro 4.2.4
- rokdoc6.3.3
- JewelSuite GeoMechanics
- drillbench2016.1
- GeoTeric 2016.1 基于地质导向地震像素法的油藏描述软件
- IHS Harmony 2016.1
- jason 9.5.1
- velpro
- TRC Phdwin v2.9 1CD(储备和经济评价软件)
- SurvOPT海洋地震勘探的规划和成本计算工具
- Landmark Engineer’s Desktop(EDT) 5000.14
- GPTmodel
- GPTmap
- GPTlog
- Pipe Flow Expert
- Direct 数字化油藏表征软件系统
- Dionisos4.0 4.2
- SeisRox 三维模型正演
- ZetaWare
- Intrepid Geophysics GeoModeller 三维地质建模软件
- forward
- easycopy
- beicip easytrace
- SPT wellflo
- Weatherford Field Office 2014 PanSystem 2014
- universe VSP
- Secure Hydraulics 2011 安全液压软件
- fracman 7.0 7.4 7.5.1 2016
- copy+
- SeisMod 4 SIMO4.2
- Green Mountain mesa 12 13 14
- powerlog frac 9.5
- PaleoScan全局自动地震层序地层学解释软件 2016.1
- powerlog 9.5
- jason9.5
- opendtect6.0.1
- Midland Valley move 2016.1
- imoss 3.4
- discovery 2015
- geomodeling attributestudio 8.0
- geolog7.4
- OpenInventor 10.3.0
- GeoTomo VECON
- OLGA 2015.1
- 密码保护:Schlumberger techlog 2015.2 techlog 2015.3 techlog 2016
- comet3
- norsar 2d 3d
- skua gocad 2015
- iMOSS 3.3 2015
- insite微地震软件
- Petrosys 17.5 17.6 17.7
- Petroleum Experts IPM 9.0
- RODSTAR-V/D 抽油机设计软件
- IHS Harmony 2015.2
- PLOT EXPRESS zeh 5.1
- insight Earth 3.0
- jason 9.0 2015 linux
- 双狐 doublefox 双狐变速成图系统 4.0 2014
- crystal specman thinman 2015.1
- NeuraLog 2015.4
- landmark DecisionSpace DSD 5000.10.03 5000.10.04 linux
- GOGEO FracPredictor 2014
- paradigm epos geodepth gocad skua geolog sysdrill StratEarth 2015
- jason 9.0 jason 9.1 2015
- hrs strata geoveiw 10.1正式版 2015 10.1 20160308正式版
- NETool完井优化设计软件
- landmark DSD Geoprobe 5000.8.3 5000.10 windows linux
- discovery 2014.2
- powerlog\powerbench\PowerlogFrac 3.5
- meyer2014 english version +中文版
- omni 2014
- vista 2014 vista 2015
- Senergy Interactive Petrophysics v4.3 v4.4 IP4.3 IP4.4
- Emeraude v2.60.12
- ecrin4.30.07 Citrine Saphir Topaze Emeraude Azurie
- landmark 5000.10
- landmark 5000.10 windows
- openflow 2012 2013 2015 2015.3
- SpecMAN
- geomodeling attributestudio 7.5
- Gxplorer石文软件
- neuralog
- LogVision
- INTViewer
- NetSarang Xmanager Enterprise 5.0.0464
- jason 8.4.2 |1 dvd
- powerlog 3.4.5
- move 2015.1
- JewelSuite Subsurface Modeling 2014
- Landmark Engineer’s Desktop(EDT)
- Marvel 叠前地震成像系统 (老版本名称为Views)
- promax 2003 5000 5000.8 5000.10
- GRISYS地震数据处理软件系统
- omega2013.1
- tNavigator 3.3 tNavigator 4.1 tNavigator 4.2–油藏数值模拟系统
- Seismic Studio 折射及层析静校正软件
- WellFlo 单井采油优化与设计软件
- Eps PanSystem V2014 试井解释分析与设计
- Schlumberger.SandCADE防砂软件
- Schlumberger.FracCADE压裂设计与评价软件
- E-stimplan 全三维水力压裂软件
- 复杂探区近地表建模和校正系统ToModel6.5 7.0 8.0
- drillinginfo transform 4.3.1 5.0.2 微地震软件
- GMSeis3.1 GMseis3.2 GMseis3.4 地震近地表静校正系统 seislab
- GMI 地应力分析软件
- 双狐软件
- Oasis montaj重磁震勘探软件包
- GeoEast 2.5 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 3.0
- EPoffice image+
- EPoffice EPS+
- EPoffice FRS+
- EPoffice GeoTalk
- GOHFER 8.1.1 8.2.3
- SeisWare8.00.05
- Hampson-Russell HRS strata
- tesseral tesseral3D
- GeoModeling VisualVoxat (VVA)
- discovery 微机解释系统
- basinmod 2005 2009 2012 2014
- Kingdom SMT
- JewelSuite2013 2014
- GeoThrust 二维、三维地震资料处理系统
- PaleoScan全局自动地震层序地层学解释软件
- petra
- FracproPT 2012 FracproPT 2013 FracproPT 2015 FracproPT 2017
- Meyer三维增产措施模拟设计系统
- CMG2012 2013.11 2014.10 2015.101 2015.106
- RokDoc
- LESA 9.5 9.6 9.7
- Recon
- FaultX
- NorSar
- MOVE 4.1 5.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.1 2014.2
- landmark openworks 2003 5000.3 5000.8.1 5000.8.3
- TomoPlus
- CycloLog
- iMOSS 3.1 3.2
- SeisUP 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
- RMS地质三维建模软件
- Drillworks
- Drillnet
- 石油软件的Redhat AS各版本下载地址
- CRYSTAL地震反演及地质建模软件
- jason8.4
- Ecrin 4.20.5 4.30 4.30.07 5.10.02
- PowerLog 3.4.1
- tesseral pro 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.4
- Tempest-Enable
- sysdrill
- SPTGROUP.DrillBench 6.2 2016.1 钻井及完井工程设计模拟软件 6.2 2016.1
- Paradigm 2011.2 帕拉代姆 Epos 2011.3 2013.2 2014.1 2014.1sp1 2015.1 2015.5
- Echos(FOCUS)地震资料处理系统
- 地震波反射的极性相位问题
- OLGA 7.1* 7.2* 7.3* 2014.1 2014.2 2014.3
- GeoTeric基于地质导向地震像素法的油藏描述软件(SVI)
- CGG geovation cgg3100 cgg4100 cgg5000 cgg6200 cgg6401 cgg6501 cgg6601 geovation2013 geovation 2015 geovation 2016
- STIMPRO 基质酸化设计与分析软件
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WSB算法的输入数据是子波频谱。当在地震道上滑动研究时窗时,子波频谱显示在频率域,纵坐标是时间,横坐标是频率,颜色表示振幅强度。方法的关键是有效压制反射、调谐效应和短周期多次波引起的响应, 同时求取了反应子波频谱变化的DF、Dlt-F、Alp、SVS变化曲线,在此基础上通过描述地震子波频谱变化来识别油气藏。
EarthImager 2D 3D
AGI EarthImager 3D is a three-dimensional resistivity and induced polarization (IP) inversion modeling software. It converts electrically gathered data and converts it into a 3D rendering presented using an advanced volume display.
EarthImager 3D is ideal for resistivity imaging—even in areas where there is a large topographic variation—without producing a noisy image. The final image can be rotated in any orientation, zoomed in and out, and translated to anywhere inside the image window in order to see the feature of interest in three-dimensional detail. It may show the shape of a hidden cave, the volume of a detected ore body, or the extent of an environmental spill plume.
AGI EarthImager 3D Use Cases
EarthImager 3D is for use in geotechnical and geologic industries, including the following applications:
Outlining the shape of caves and voids.
Calculating the volume of caves and voids.
Visualizing the bedrock surface.
Pinpointing precise well location for groundwater exploration.
Outlining the shape of an ore body during mineral exploration.
Calculating the volume of an ore body during mineral exploration.
Mapping the extent of environmental spills.
Monitoring the progress of an environmental clean-up procedure.
Calculating volumes and extent of sand, gravel, or clay during aggregate mapping.
One example of AGI EarthImager 3D at work is when imaging a cave. If you discovered the cavern using 2D imaging software, you wouldn’t be able to tell where you needed to drill in order to hit an exact location, as objects to the side of the 2D survey line gets “folded” in on the 2D image. This happens because the injected current does not simply flow downwards into the ground, but flows through the ground in all directions. 3D imaging does not have this limitation, as it can take spatial data and model the geometries in the correct location—ensuring that your drilling location is exact and accurate for more precise projects.
User-friendly Windows GUI.
Seamless operation with AGI resistivity instruments.
Inversion Of 3D Surface Resistivity Data.
Inversion Of 3D Borehole Resistivity Data.
Inversion Of 3D IP Data.
3D Volumetric Rendering With Transparency Control.
Volume and multiple-slice images.
Interactive slice image.
No software limit on number of data points or number of electrodes.
No limit on array type or electrode location.
64-bit parallel processing capability with EarthImager3DCL module.
Data misfit cross-plot.
Methods & algorithms
Finite difference forward modeling.
Options of boundary condition for forward modeling.
Smooth model inversion.
Noisy data suppression.
Trackable and retrievable user settings.
Tool buttons and popup menus for easy access to frequently used menu items.
Fast hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.
Windows true 24-bit color.
Inversion progress bar to show the inversion status.
Well-organized and hassle-free processing directory structure.
Saveable in bitmap, JPEG, PostScript, PNG, and TIFF file formats.
Saveable in XYZ format so it can be loaded into any off-shelf graphics software.
Convergence curve display.
User-specified minimum and maximum variable values of the image.
User-specified colors and contour levels.
rokdoc 6.5
Ikon Science公司的荣誉软件RokDoc Ji-Fi,是一款结合了地震数据、岩石物理学、以及Ikon区域数据库内其他地质信息的软件,能够直接预测目标区域的岩石类型和岩石性质。 Ikon公司与联邦科学工业研究组织(CSIRO)和Tullow石油公司合作对软件进行了10多年的研究、开发和应用。其中,Tullow石油公司负责提供资金、数据、项目和独立测试方法。软件使用了先进的贝叶斯数学和不确定性分析方法,能够稳定地保证地震分辨率、降低噪声,为勘探、生产、钻井和其他储层投资提供了独一无二的决策支持。
该软件自2015年实现商业化后,全球超过100家公司,其中包括3家超级石油公司已经购买或使用了该系统,这意味着RokDoc Ji-Fi软件正在迅速成为地震数据的定量使用新标杆。
tNavigator 17
tNavigator软件是俄罗斯软件公司Rock Flow Dynamics (RFD)公司与Intel合作,经多年研发、目前已在全球各大油公司得到广泛应用的新一代高效数值模拟技术。它是行业内首款也是唯一的一款将全三维交互用户界面与创纪录的超级并行计算引擎动态结合的行业领先产品。它的出现,使得超大网格节点(千万至千兆级有效网格)油藏模型数值模拟成为可能,成为行业内革命性的新一代数值模拟技术产品。
In tNavigator 17.1 kernel new options are supported for the following model formats: E100,E300, MORE, IMEX, STARS, GEM.
Reservoir Coupling:
Dynamic restarts are available in graphical interface, options –continue, –restart are
available for console, automatic restarts. Restart MASTER and SLAVE models can be
For models in E100 and E300 formats:
The possibility to set the salt concentration in the injection stream via user defined
quantity UDQ (2-nd parameter of the keyword WSALT).
The possibility to set group name, whose produced polymer (salt) concentration will
be used in the injection stream for the well (4-th and 5-th parameters of the keyword
Artificial lift quantity (ALQ) value can be set and used in the pressure loss calculations
for the group’s pipeline (4-th parameter of the keyword GRUPNET).
CIRR mode is available to set injectivity multiplier for injectors. Injectivity increase
is not reversed for all connections. Connections continue working with its maximum
attained injectivity multiplier (4-the parameter of the keyword WINJMULT).
The possibility to set the grid block pressure limit for well rate cutback or for reversing
the cutback process (8-th and 9-th parameters of the keyword WCUTBACK).
The algorithm of surface network calculation has been updated.
Paradigm Sysdrill 10.5 SP1
Fixed Problems
The following problems have been fixed in Sysdrill 10.5 SP 1:
DRILL-2484 Send and Receive Buttons Missing from Simulated Wellbore Editor
DRILL-3273 Wellpath sheet Crash
DRILL-3347 Covariance matrix report zero for read-only wellbore
DRILL-3415 Unused Well Targets Not Imported Correctly
DRILL-3417 No installation label on map view
DRILL-3428 Propagation mode not saving
DRILL-3431 Slot RKB Magic not working
DRILL-3461 Scale after clipping
DRILL-3493 3D viewer web page has incorrect encoding
DRILL-3494 Swab Surge Failure
DRILL-3495 Turbulent flow solution fails
DRILL-3496 Buckling Hookload Lines
DRILL-3512 Labels in saved plots
DRILL-3513 Plotting details was lost
DRILL-3515 Casing Coupling Connection details cause crash
DRILL-3517 Cannot define casing connections on a cross-over joint
DRILL-3521 Problem if choosing fulfilling AWB as parent wellbore
DRILL-3541 Missing CheckDBIntegrity for 10.6
DRILL-3552 Sensitivity Crash
DRILL-3556 Major Axis Ellipse Report Broken
DRILL-3562 Formation tops TVDSS paste error
DRILL-3581 Add stack trace logging to vexGenerate
DRILL-3582 2DXS solution fails at 0 inc at target
DRILL-3584 Crash after rename template
DRILL-3587 IPM better error on exception
DRILL-3595 Material Grade Combo Not Connected
DRILL-3597 Spreadsheet controls become disabled
DRILL-3601 GenPlot Targets drawn incorrectly in Section View with field reference
DRILL-3604 Traveling cylinder plot – can’t change background
DRILL-3605 Load Case Editor – Restore Defaults
DRILL-3609 Volume calc shows wrong annular volume
DRILL-3611 Tool-tips missing for Actual Wellpath
DRILL-3612 Mismatch in Plan vs Actual azimuth graph
DRILL-3614 Isometric view wall shadow function broken
DRILL-3615 Isometric view plot options broken
DRILL-3625 Art not correctly restored from template
DRILL-3632 Wellpath set has incorrect North Ref and Conv Angle
DRILL-3634 Plotting from field shows ellipses in wrong place
DRILL-1768 Support for UNC paths
DRILL-2468 Add support for Wellview 10
DRILL-2508 Add ability to export to LAS with IO Wizards
DRILL-2686 Add new column in assemblies
DRILL-3323 Fix translator tool
DRILL-3342 Email link to 3D viewer needs updating
DRILL-3498 Load magnetic models at startup
DRILL-3504 Hungarian Coordinate System
DRILL-3506 Add user/server details to status/title bar
DRILL-3540 Add BGGM 2016
DRILL-3549 Support more columns on target spreadsheet
DRILL-3553 Axial Yield Derated for Casing Wear
DRILL-3554 Error model import get Gyro terms wrong
DRILL-3565 Proprietary connections require too much information
DRILL-3578 Update HDGM Package
DRILL-3630 Cannot send SWB and projection to an external source
PaleoScan 2017.1.0
Version 2017.1
Automatic email generation with computer HostName and HostID for license request
Local server for local and Dongle key licenses
Dongle keys detection and drivers linked to PaleoScan Setup
Data I/O:
Unit management for Well Head Import : Meters or foot
Horizon import with mapped data
Shapefile Import/export
New objects export
Flattened Volume
Fault Polygon
Point Location
Picked Horizon
Well Time-Depth Relationship
Well Checkshot
Well Marker
Volume extraction performed on several volumes
Volume Orientation Assignment
3D Volume Sculpting: 3D Cube displayed between horizons
New Color Bar Editor interface
Culture Data/Polyline:
New culture data picking tools: rectangle, ellipse
Culture data table for polylines creation/editing
New attribute computation interface
New Attributes:
Sum of the Negative Amplitudes
Sum of the Positive Amplitude
Local structural azimuth
New interactive Spectral Decomposition tool
Spectral Decomposition available as real-time attribute
New thickness parameters available for the isochore attribute computation
Faults used as input of the Truncation 3D attribute
Soothing volume tool using faults as constraints
Frequency filtering: Area of Interest for the amplitude spectrum computation
Spectral Blueing: Area of Interest for the amplitude spectrum computation
Coloured Inversion
Coloured Inversion part of the core application license
Area of Interest for the amplitude spectrum computation
Low frequency model parameters available for the AI volume as input
Blending Viewers
New blending interface for Volumes and Horizon Stacks
Arbitrary line blending viewer
Horizon 2 channels blending viewer
Init All option to initialize contrast of all the channels
3D viewer
Automatic rotation option
2D/3D Synchronization
Color Scale display in the 3D view related to selected objects
Capability to change the cursor size
New way to zoom-in and zoom-out: Alt + Mouse wheel
Remove the saved rotation and stretching available from the general toolbar
Wiggles display on single trace using the cross navigation position
New Thickness optimization option for Model-Grid and 3D Geo-Model computations
New shortcut to show or hide marked horizons: X
Update of model-grid horizon listing
New workflow to constrain the Model-Grid with marked horizon(s) based on the Thickness analysis and polarity consistency
Horizon Stacks creation while computing the 3D Geo-Model
Possibility to Interpolate an existing 3D Geo-Model using faults as constraints
Possibility to smooth an existing 3D Geo-Model using faults as constraints
3D Model computation with iso-proportional method
Horizon Stack / Horizon:
Real time preview of horizons intersection in the horizon stack creation tool
Auto Contouring: Possibility to display the contouring for each horizon of a horizon stack
High contouring density
Horizon contouring display between specific min and max values
Double click to open a horizon from project browser in map view
Horizon polarity histogram available in map view
Update of the horizon snapping interface
Geobody -Layer:
Lithology property can be customized and assigned to layer object
Geobody table classification with area and volume information
Merge/Split Geobodies option available from the Geobody Manual module
Advanced Interpretation:
Update of the Horizon Stack creation tool from strati
Horizon stacks creation with horizons defined by layer
Real time preview of horizons intersection in the horizon stack creation tool
Absolute Geological Time Model
Watertight Model:
Watertight model creation from picked stratigraphic sequences
Horizon extraction from watertight model
Faults extraction from watertight model
Fault polygons creation from selected horizons and faults of watertight model
Allan diagram display thanks to the watertight model
Well/Log Management:
Time-depth relationship can be assigned from a well to others
Management of markers with multi values
Well markers picking tool
Capability to organize wells and markers in folders
Possibility to change the size of the well head display
Composite Logs creation from P-sonic, S-Sonic and density:
Acoustic Impedance
Elastic Impedance
Shear Impedance
Vp/Vs ratio
Bulk Modulus
Lame constant
Shear Modulus
Log Viewer: New properties for log areas
Log Viewer: New option to Display All Log Areas in 3D
Seismic Well-Tie:
New analytic wavelet type: Morlet wavelet
statistical wavelet computation using the full volume
Management of Impedance log as input of the Well Tie process
Velocity Modeling:
Velocity model computation based on velocity assigned to layers of stratigraphic sequence
Real time depth conversion applied on strati viewer by defining velocity for each sequence
Cross Plot:
Cross Plot computation from 2 channels blending viewer for:
Arbitrary Lines
Horizon Stacks
Cross Plot computation from 3 channels blending viewer for:
Arbitrary Lines
Horizon Stacks
Class can be selected and edited from the cross plot viewer according to the input data
Geobody and volume generation from class selection
Previous Version – Main upgrades
Style picker, icon size option and introduction of themes: light, dark and vista
Calculator: functions and formulas for volumes, horizons and logs
Unit management for exports : SEG-Y, horizons, faults, geobodies, layers
New Seismic 3D Cube Visualization in the 3D viewer
New frequency decomposition interface
Model-Grid interpretation along arbitrary lines
Stratigraphic interpretation along arbitrary lines
Lithology symbol management for strati sequences
New propagation methods: Kriging and Cokriging
Global QC: Synthetic model preview using Geo-model
Depth conversion in real time using a velocity model
refract 3.0
The Prism Seismic Fractured Reservoir Modeling Software
ReFract represents the state-of-the-art in integrated fracture modeling software currently
available to the oil and gas industry anywhere. ReFract includes the latest in
breakthrough technologies which Prism Seismic’s technical staff has been developing
since the early nineties. Prism Seismic technologies have been put to test in the oil
patch over the last 10 years with dramatic results. Some of these results have been shared
with industry professionals through technical conferences and workshops. A short list of
references is given at the end of this user manual in order to familiarize you with the
integrated workflow and its actual application on various types of fractured reservoirs
(from tight sandstone gas reservoirs in North America to complex quartzite oil bearing
reservoirs in North Africa).
Prism Seismic’s unique fracture modeling technology takes all related fracture
information from seismic data, well logs and production data to establish the relationship
existing between these diverse data and a fracture indicator. The derived fracture
intensity models can be converted directly into porosity and permeability volumes
suitable for development and planning.
ReFract is a cross-platform software available on Windows, Unix and Linux.
The new features in this version 3.0 of ReFract are:
– the pipe display in the 3D viewer, which allows you to perform connectivity
analysis in 3D by applying a threshold on the fracture intensity,
– loading of deviated wells in different formats. The previous version allowed the
use of one format for the loading of deviated wells,
– loading of a list of wells and a list of attributes in one click, which makes the
loading process quicker,
– delete easily wells, attributes, grids or faults using the “Purge” option,
– dynamic validation: this features allows you to predict the pressure profile after
inputting the fluid, matrix and fracture properties
– dynamic calibration with the use of well tests
TADPRO 3.2.1 管柱下入软件
如今,大位移井趋于普遍,这意味着管柱将承受更大的摩阻和扭矩。如果忽视对摩阻和 扭矩的评估,可能导致卡钻、管柱破坏、管柱不能下入到预定深度和昂贵的打捞作业。
TADPRO,是现今市场上最全面的摩阻和扭矩软件,可以减少钻井程序、完井设计、特 殊工具作业中的风险。基于指定的摩擦系数,可以确定水平段长度。也可测定顶部封隔 器所需施加的重量。能分析井下受力以预测钻机设备的扭矩和大钩载荷的规格要求。
凭借在业内无与伦比的用户友好性和图形输出,TADPRO提供多样性和准确性的计算功 能。这些先进功能不但易于使用,还可对计算结果进行解释。
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