tNavigator 18.4


1. tNavigator 18.4

The key new features in 18.4 are:
• In tNavigator kernel:
– Local grid refinements getting progressively finer in the vicinity of the fracture are
introduced for XYZ fractures.
– Default setting of results saving was changed. For models in E1/E3 format, if
none of the command line options or keywords (RPTRST, etc.) related to selective
writing of the results are specified, the grid properties will be recorded only on the
first and last step. Previously in this case all grid properties got recorded on all
steps. For models in IM, ST, GE formats the grid properties are still recorded on
all steps.
• In Geology Designer:
– Grid coarsening with corresponding property upscaling is introduced.
– The Multi Point Simulation computation is available, which allows to perform the
interpolation by using multi point statistics method.
– The possibility to perform a fluid in place estimation for a 2D surface is available.
– The possibility to compute seismic attributes and transfer them on geological grids
is available.
• In Model Designer:
– Import of hydraulic fracture data in GOHFER format.
– Entering of hydraulic fracture parameters in tabular form.
• In PVT Designer: thermal variants are supported.
• In VFP Designer: Integration with Model Designer is supported. Each well in the Model
Designer corresponds to a project in VFP Designer.
• In Assisted History Matching and Uncertainty: multitarget optimization by particle
swarm method is supported.
• In Network Designer: Integration with Model Designer is supported. When a dynamic
model is loaded to Model Designer, a corresponding Network Designer project is created

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